RN Sandy Fischbach with patient Chris Montgomery

HCA Healthcare is committed to delivering superior, patient-centered care to every patient on every visit. And in this particular case, one HCA Healthcare RN raised the bar for her patient within 24 hours of admission by coordinating a wedding!

Meet Sandy Fischbach, an RN at affiliate TriStar Skyline Medical Center in Madison, TN and read below to find out how she orchestrated a tear-jerkering ceremony for her patient within 24 hours.

On Wednesday afternoon, June 19, Chris Montgomery was rushed to the emergency room at TriStar Skyline Medical Center with severe shortness of breath. By his side was his fiancé, Missy, and Chris' loving sister, Nancy. They quickly learned that Chris' stage-four lung cancer, a difficult diagnosis received two days before Christmas last year, caused the symptoms. He was immediately admitted to the Neuro ICU at TriStar Skyline for care.

Being admitted to the Neuro ICU is a scary time for anyone, but in addition to being worried about the potential outcome of Chris's condition, he and Missy were really disappointed that he had to be admitted because they planned to be married Friday, June 21, 2019. They were worried their long awaited plans weren't going to happen. Chris' nurse, Sandy Fischbach, with much heart and compassion, quickly went to work to help Chris with a plan that would treat more than just his physical diagnosis. She hoped to make a meaningful impact for he and Missy. Sandy quickly began organizing, knowing that time was of the essence.

The first thing Sandy did was reach for her phone to call the hospital chaplain. She had just typed in C-H-A-P to look up the number when her fellow nurse gestured behind her shoulder to Dr. Harry Yates, minister and the director of chaplaincy at the hospital, who appeared in the doorway of the Neuro ICU at that very moment. Sandy knew at that second it was meant to be and it would all come together perfectly to create a romantic wedding ceremony for the couple!

Chris's sister, Annie, made a beautiful bridal bouquet and headpiece as the family obtained the marriage certificate. The nurses, doctors and staff quickly transformed the ICU room into a wedding chapel, providing decorations, a wedding cake, flowers and a wedding photographer to make the celebration special.

What was once a hospital room focused on life-saving medical care, Chris's room was magically transformed as family encircled the hospital bed and loving couple. The vows spoken offered such deep meaning for the couple, their families and the staff when they recited "in sickness and in health" demonstrating their unconditional commitment and inspiring love. Officiated by Dr. Yates, Chris and Missy were married at 4 p.m. on June 20, surrounded by those they love and those supporting them on the hospital's care team. Now, outside the hospital room, a big sign reads, "Just Married."

Chris, Missy and their family were all very appreciative for the staff's kindness. "We cannot thank you enough for the beautiful surprise wedding that was put together so quickly and with such wonderful care today by the nurses in Neuro ICU," shared Chris' sister, Nancy Montgomery. "PLEASE especially remember the best nurse ever, Sandy!" Chris said, "It was wonderful what the girls did for us. It made it extra special, like being in Church. Bless everybody!"

Chris and Missy reside in Madison, Tennessee and have been by each other's sides for more than 19 years. They both have had long careers with Waffle House which is where they met. It was their dream to be husband and wife and although the setting wasn't initially what they had envisioned, they both said it was "a joyous and extra special occasion."

This heartwarming story showcases the passion and empathy that nurses at TriStar Skyline, like Sandy, deliver to their patients each and every day. Striving to fully live out the mission of HCA Healthcare: Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life.

So many people are hopeful for love like this. This sweet story is a reminder to live your life as full as you can each and every day!

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