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Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC

Senior vice president and chief nurse executive

Sammie Mosier

In March, we welcomed our new Vice President and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Sherri Hess, MS-IS, BSN, RN-BC, FHIMSS.

Sherri is a seasoned leader in nursing informatics, having built and led multiple informatics programs for several large organizations, most recently as Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Banner Health. Her career spans 38 years in healthcare, and she has a proven track record of ensuring technology increases efficiency for clinicians and improves patient outcomes.

Sherri began her bedside career as a registered nurse in the NICU, and she worked at HCA Healthcare Denver where she completed her Masters in Information Systems. Her journey in Healthcare Information Technology began in 2000, and she spent seven years at McKesson in software development—allowing her to marry her nursing background with IT knowledge to help develop electronic health records. Sherri is a HIMSS Fellow, and served on the Colorado HIMSS Board in multiple positions. She serves on the boards of the American Nurses Informatics Association, the Zebra Technologies Customer Advisory Board and the Nuance Nursing Advisory Board.

Frequently sought out to speak on nursing informatics topics, she has spent time at the United States Capital sharing policy advice with Congressional leaders. In 2017, she received one of the greatest honors a nurse can receive—the Nightingale Luminary Award. Sherri holds a Masters in Information Systems from the University of Colorado-Denver and a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing, and is a certified Informatics Nurse through the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Her strategic perspective, operational mindset and collaborative approach make her an ideal leader for this role. Welcome, Sherri!

Read HealthTech’s interview with Sherri discussing key IT trends and the importance of listening to nurses.

Nursing strategy

Access the 2022 Nursing Strategy and resources.

Walk in your world

Your experience matters. Your voice matters.

Executives from across the enterprise will partner with local leaders to experience a day in the life of nursing, starting June 16, 2022.

Every day, we witness the strength and compassion nurses display. It's in the care you provide to patients, the compassion you provide to colleagues, and in the hope you provide to communities.

To gain insight into your incredible work, leaders from across HCA Healthcare are excited to walk in the world of bedside nurses. We’re looking forward to having a better understanding of where we can partner with local leaders to identify best practices, streamline workflows and create efficiencies that give nurses more time at the bedside.

Daily Roster feature to be retired in Facility Scheduler

The Daily Roster will be inactivated in Facility Scheduler, and daily staffing transactions should all be made in the Staffing Dashboard.

New users provisioned to the Staffing Dashboard are automatically assigned training. Look for communication from your CNO with additional training efforts and support around this transition.

Q2 Nursing Town Hall

Topic: Staffing, Recruitment and Retention

Presenters: Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC, Senior Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive and Jenn Berres, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Watch the town hall here

How are you doing? No, really.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in six adults in the United States experience depression at some time in their life. And, about one in nine adults regularly have feelings of worry, nervousness or anxiety. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes now a great time to check-in with yourself and others. Optum Wellbeing has made it easier for you to connect to the right care at the right time. If you’re feeling like you could use some extra support right now, reach out at any time by calling (877) 950-5075 or going online to Live and Work Well ( (enter company access code HCA).

Career opportunities

New leadership opportunities posted regularly for internal applicants.

Internal Candidates

Know someone who is perfect for HCA Healthcare? Ask them to go to and enter your name in the field for “were referred to this job by an employee.”

Did you know?

In 2020, our employee-supported HCA Healthcare Hope Fund distributed a record $10.6 million in assistance to nearly 5,000 colleagues.

nursing is the differentiator at HCA healthcare

July 6, 2022
Non-ventilator hospital acquired pneumonia l Sensory-friendly patient experience
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May 13, 2022 by Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC
On behalf of all of our nurse leaders and everyone one of our colleagues, let me wish you Happy Nurses Week!
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